how to break in a vending machine

How to Break in a Vending Machine: Step-by-Step Guide 🔓

To Break in a Vending Machine: Loosen the lock pick, push down washers to create lines, align the tool with the lock, and apply pressure while twisting to open the vending machine.

Before you try to break open your Vending machine, you need to understand a few basics.

Vending machines work by using a system of

  • Sensors
  • Motors, and
  • Other components detect and dispense products when a customer inserts money or a payment method, such as a credit card or mobile payment.
how to break in a vending machine


Before attempting to break into a vending machine, it’s important to prepare yourself with the right tools and knowledge.

Tools You Need

To successfully break into a vending machine, you’ll need a few tools.

  • Tubular lock pick, which can be purchased online or at a locksmith.
  • Ballpoint pen with the ink tube removed, as this can be used to manipulate the lock.

In addition to these tools, you may also need a screwdriver or other thin object to jam the coin slot, as well as a heavy object like a rock to break the glass if the machine has a glass front.

Choosing the Right Vending Machine

Not all vending machines are created equal when it comes to breaking in. Look for a machine that is in a desolate location, away from crowds or traffic. These machines are less likely to be monitored by security cameras or other people.

You should also look for a machine that has a weak point, such as a loose lock or a coin slot that is easily jammed. Avoid machines that are heavily monitored or located in areas with a lot of foot traffic.

By choosing the right vending machine and having the right tools, you can increase your chances of successfully breaking in and accessing the goodies inside.

How to Break Into a Vending Machine?

  • 🛠️ Get a tubular lock pick set from South Board, available in different pin configurations (7 pins, 8 pins, 10 pins).
  • 📦 The lock pick set comes with a key and key code reference for selecting the right tool.
  • 💰 The cost of the lock pick set varies, with the 7-pin and 8-pin sets priced at around $150 and the additional 10-pin tool costing around $90.
  • ⚙️ The technique involves loosening the lock pick, pushing down washers to create lines, aligning the tool with the lock, and applying pressure while twisting to open the vending machine.

Techniques for Breaking In

When it comes to breaking into a vending machine, there are several techniques you can use. Here are some of the most common methods:

1. Using a Standard Key

If you happen to have a key that fits the vending machine, then you’re in luck. Simply insert the key into the lock and turn it to open the machine.

But Standard keys are not easy to come by, and most vending machines have unique keys that are difficult to duplicate.

2. Drill

Another method for breaking into a vending machine is to use a drill. First, locate the lock on the machine. Then, drill a hole through the lock cylinder. Once you have created a hole, you can use a screwdriver to turn the lock and open the machine.

3. Crowbar

If you don’t have a drill or a key, you can try using a crowbar to pry open the vending machine.

Locate a weak point on the machine, such as a seam or a corner, and use the crowbar to apply pressure until the machine pops open.

4. Code Hack

Some vending machines can be opened by entering a special code. These codes are usually only known by the vending machine company or the machine’s owner. Some codes have been leaked online and can be found with a quick internet search.

Avoiding Legal Consequences

Breaking into a vending machine may seem like a harmless prank, but it is important to understand the potential legal consequences.

Understanding the Risks

Breaking into a vending machine is illegal and can result in criminal charges. Depending on the circumstances, you could be charged with theft, vandalism, or even burglary. These charges can carry fines, community service, or even jail time.

It is important to understand the risks before attempting to break into a vending machine.

Disclaimer: Remember, breaking into a vending machine is illegal and can result in fines or even jail time. Only use these techniques if you have permission from the owner of the machine.

READ: Homies Vending Machine Toys: How to Use (Step-by-Step Guide)

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