What Country Has The Most Vending Machines Per Capita? 2022 Updated
The world of vending machines is full of interesting aspects, as new technologies and features are added to these machines every day, which is why the vending machine business is still a profitable one to this day!
With so many vending machines all over the world, you might be wondering:
What country has the most vending machines per capita?
Japan is the country with the highest density of vending machines out there per capita. There you can find a vending machine almost anywhere you go, whether this area is commercial or even residential.
However, the United States remains the country with the largest number of vending machines all around.
If you want to find out more about vending machines worldwide and how big of a business they are, keep on reading this article as we walk you through some of the most interesting facts!

RELATED READ: How Many Vending Machines Are There in Japan?
What Country Has The Most Vending Machines Per Capita?
The country with the most vending machines per capita all over the world is Japan, especially in the Japanese capital Tokyo.
It’s extremely difficult to walk in the city streets without encountering tens or even hundreds of vending machines as you go, as they’re found almost everywhere, including residential areas!
According to various estimations, there are over 4 to 5 million vending machines all over the country.
Since the country’s population is around 125 million people all over the country, this means that there is around one vending machine for every 25 to 30 people in the country, which is mindblowing!
In addition to being the country with the most vending machines per capita, Japan also has one of the highest densities of vending machines in the world, if not the highest.
This is because this huge number of vending machines is highly concentrated in Japan’s largest cities. For that reason, it is easy to come across tens of vending machines on every block or street.
What Country Has The Largest Number of Vending Machines?
Although Japan’s record of vending machines is truly astonishing, it is still not the country with the largest number of vending machines regardless of the population or density.
Instead, this record is currently held by the United States. The exact number of vending machines in the United States is a matter of debate.
According to the Washington Post, there are around 5 million vending machines all over the nation. However, some estimates believe that the actual number of vending machines that are still operative today is much higher and can be as high as 7 million vending machines.
According to the same report by Franchise Opportunities, around 70% of Americans will use a vending machine at least once every day. Despite the huge number, there are two main reasons why Japan feels like it has more vending machines despite having fewer units.
The first reason is of course the size. Japan is around 378,000 sq km while the United States is around 9,000,000, so it’s around 26 times bigger.
Additionally, up to 55% of vending machines in America are found inside workplaces while Japan has most of its vending machines outdoors, so it’s easier to spot a larger number of machines there.
What Are the Most Common Types of Vending Machines in the World?
There’s a wide range of vending machines all over the world. In fact, there are some truly bizarre vending machines that sell the most unique items, such as gold bars, clothes, or even DVDs!
However, the most common types of vending machines out there are the ones that sell snacks and drinks.
One of the most common types of vending machines out there is soda vending machines. However, vending machines that make coffee and tea are becoming increasingly popular, especially around workplaces.
Additionally, there are also glass front vending machines, which display the content of the vending machine and are often used for food and snacks, whether it’s cooked or frozen.
When Was the First Vending Machine Invented?
Although vending machines may sound like something new, the first form of vending machines was invented in the first century. This one was invented by a Greek mathematician and Engineer called Hero Alexandria.
This machine was used to dispense holy water by accepting coins in temples. The device was made to make sure that everyone gets a fair and equal amount of holy water.
However, the first form of our modern vending machine was in 1822 when Richard Carlile, an English bookseller, made a vending machine that sells newspapers.
A few years later, fully automated machines that sell stamps, as well as postcards, began to pop up in the United Kingdom.
What Is the Largest Vending Machine in the World?
While a standard vending machine is often as large as a fridge, there are some truly impressive creations around the world.
For example, UNIQLO is a popular retail company in Japan that is known for selling affordable items.
In the Harajuku district in Tokyo, UNIQLO has a huge store that is simply a walk-in vending machine where you can buy t-shirts directly, making the entire store one large vending machine.
However, when it comes to the largest vending machine in the world, nothing comes near the Autobahn’s tower in Singapore.
This building has 15 floors with transparent walls to display around 60 different vehicles, which are all exotic or collectible items that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. This means that the entire building is simply one gigantic vending machine!
This also makes it the most expensive vending machine in terms of the vending machine itself as well as the products sold.
Wrap Up
This concludes today’s article that walks you through answers to some of the most curious questions regarding vending machines.
As you can see, the vending machines market is huge and is still expected to grow throughout the years with more countries introducing these machines in every alley and shopping mall!
If you’re interested in establishing your own vending machine business, make sure to check out our website, as we provide a wide range of guides to help you get started!